Beautiful Baggage


    Beautiful Baggage seeks to put bags (duffel) into the hands of foster children so that one by one no child is carrying their world in trash bags.


How can you get involved????

*Donate your time
*Donate your talents
*Donate Items

ITEMS Needed:
Bags- backpack, and toiletry
Snuggly- blanket or stuffed animal
BIBLE-We are in desperate need of bible donations right now. We are at zero.
Toiletries- We always need: Soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrushes (kid and adult)
How can you gather some of these items besides just running to the store?

So you want to help, but how do you get started???
Well there are several ways.
1. Maybe you are the quick helper, you want to help this area, but don’t have much time so you would like to just give a monetary donation. That is wonderful, please contact us, and we will set up a time to meet with you!
2. You could host a baggage party! Get together with your youth group, bible study, friends from work, and set a number see if you can reach your goal. Maybe even compete with another group 🙂

3.  Have your school hold a fundraiser- come up with a great theme!
4. Contact us about volunteer opportunities.


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